Visit Our Warehouse
44 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
East Orange, NJ 07018
2 New Main St.
East Orange, NJ 07018
*von Rohr Equipment Corp.
has 1 location with 2 addresses
to better find us.
...respond quickly to your requests
...perform product demonstrations at your jobsite.
...recommend the right products for your applications.
...deliver quality products from world leading manufacturers.
...carry an extensive inventory so the products arrive when and where you need them!
Placing Orders​
Placing orders with von Rohr Equipment is easy. You can fax, email or call your orders in
Monday - Friday from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you have an emergency, don't worry we've got you covered, we make it happen!
Every order receives our priority and personal attention to ensure a speedy and effortless delivery process. We not only ship UPS to all locations in the continental United States, we also make daily warehouse, job site, municipality, school and power plant facility deliveries in the New York metropolitan area (NY, NJ, CT and PA). Order it today get it tomorrow.
Our customers have no fear of being harassed with junk e-mails after visiting or purchasing from von Rohr Equipment. We DO NOT sell or give away any information collected while you're visiting our web site or placing orders with us. No sensitive or personal information is retained for future use.
& Refunds
Manufacturer's Return Policy: Warranty and defective returns may be covered by select manufacturers. Please ask about individual return policies at time of purchase or visit the manufacture's website for additional information. Talk to one of our customer service representatives and provide a copy of the original invoice. There will be no credits or returns after 7 days, NO EXCEPTIONS.
From Route 280 East
Follow Route 280 to the First Street Exit in Newark.
Make a left off the exit and go under Route 280.
Make a left on Orange Street and von Rohr is about 1 mile down on the right-hand side.
From Route 280 West
Follow route 280 to the Sixth Street/Orange Street Exit in Newark. Make a left off the exit into Orange Street. von Rohr is about 1 mile down on the right-hand side.
From Garden State Parkway North
Take parkway to Exit 145. Go into toll booth and stay as far right as possible. After paying toll exit to the right, East Orange/Main Street Exit. Go up ramp and hit traffic light. Make a left at light on Grove Street. Go to the 2nd traffic light (Do not go under the train tracks) and make a right on Main Street. von Rohr will be 300 yards on the left after the firehouse.
From Garden State Parkway South
Take parkway to exit 147. Get off exit and make a left at the light onto Springdale Avenue. Go three lights and make a right onto Grove Street. Go under a railroad underpass and immediately make a left at a light on Main Street. von Rohr will be 300 yards on the left.
From NJ Turnpike
Take the turnpike to Exit 15W. Follow Route 280 West directions above.